Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Hispanic children's participation in early care and education: A look at utilization patterns of Chicago's publicly funded programs


Although multiple studies have provided evidence of Latino children's lower rates of participation in ECE programs, important gaps remain in the research literature. For example, we do not know whether these differences are consistent across all types of publicly funded ECE programs. Nor do we have much information about the degree to which other family- and community-level factors might explain differences in ECE participation, or about how that participation might vary within the Latino community. In this brief, we examine the rates of participation in publicly funded center- and home-based ECE for low-income Hispanic and non-Hispanic 3- and 4-year-olds in Chicago. In our analyses of these rates, we drew on a rich and comprehensive set of linked administrative data on a representative sample of children from low-income families. These data span the years from their birth to their entry into Chicago Public Schools (CPS) kindergarten programs in 2013-2014. We also examine how ECE participation differs within the linguistically and culturally diverse group of low-income Hispanic families in the study sample. (author abstract)

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