Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Recommendations for reopening child care businesses amid COVID-19 pandemic (June 2020)


The purpose of this document is inform states that are asking child care businesses to reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic. While state governments have published new health and safety guidelines, there has been little to no consideration of how these new guidelines will impact the business operations of child care providers. The following recommendations from First Children's Finance are centered in our mission to grow the supply and business sustainability of excellent child care. Additionally, even in states where there are no new group size restrictions, enrollment has fallen steeply in most states. No matter whether or not a state has placed restrictions, there are new health and safety guidelines on group sizes for all public events and businesses in most places along with new health and safety requirements for child care businesses from the federal Centers for Disease Control. None of these guidelines address the business needs of child care entrepreneurs. (author abstract)

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