Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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How teachers and center leaders made sense of inquiry-based professional learning: a multiple case study


Policymakers’ demands for standardization and increased academic achievement have led various stakeholder groups to call for more professional development (PD) in early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. Federal initiatives and state agencies' quality improvement initiatives also position PD as a key component to improve access to quality programs for all. Yet, much of the PD consists of single-day workshops despite scholars continued calls for more critical approaches such as inquiry-based professional learning (IBPL). While research has emerged that examines the implementation of IBPL, little is known about how teachers and center leaders themselves make sense of such practices. This article therefore adds teachers’ and directors’ voices directly into the conversation as early childhood teacher educators continue to research and advocate for more critical and holistic approaches to PD. Findings from this research bring to light at least three main investments policy makers, teacher educators, classroom teachers and center leaders, and teachers-in-training can make to implement, sustain or improve IBPL in more ECEC spaces. (author abstract)

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