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Guam Preschool Development Grant Birth to 5: Needs assessment


The PDG Birth-5 funding provided the mechanism for Guam stakeholders from health, education, and social service sectors to define and evaluate current practices and determine how and for what purposes we can work more efficiently and effectively to support the needs of young children and their families. Guam’s vision for the PDG B-5 mixed delivery system is that all children will have equitable access to high-quality early childhood care and education opportunities. This vision is supported by The Guam Early Learning Council’s (GELC) vision statement that, “All of Guam’s young children will have healthy minds, bodies, and spirits as the foundation for lifelong success.” This vision has also been widely adopted by Guam’s early childhood programs demonstrating one voice, one vision, one people. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States
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