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OKFutures strategic plan


The vision for OKFutures is that all of Oklahoma’s infants, toddlers, and preschoolers will be prepared for happy, healthy, and successful lives. The mission of OKFutures is to develop the capacity of families, communities, public agencies, and private organizations to provide children from birth to age 5 equitable and seamless access to the physical, emotional, and educational supports they need to thrive. The OKFutures Strategic Plan is a rigorous five-year road map for achieving our mission and moving toward our vision via integrating and improving the state’s systems of care for children from birth to age 5 and for the families and communities who embrace them. The OKFutures plan represents the combined input of high-level state elected officials and policymakers, the State Early Childhood Advisory Council (the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness, or OPSR, Board), numerous expert workgroups and other partners, and families and communities who have a direct stake in ensuring bright futures for children. (author abstract)

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