Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Exploring Tarrant County Head Start and Early Head Start impacts through secondary data


The current study seeks to add to existing evidence of an underlying theory of change whereby effective professional development can increase the quality of HS classrooms, family supports can improve family stability and school engagement, and that the interacting effects of these classroom quality and family influences promote child school readiness. The availability of strong and nuanced coaching data and robust, frequent CLASS observational data will enhance the existing body of knowledge. In total, being able to address the full model and a theory of change that incorporates site level, classroom level quality, family factors, and student outcomes, with improved high-integrity data is a significant contribution to the existing literature.


This study aims to establish evidence for an underlying theory of change; that professional development can increase the quality of HS classrooms, family supports can improve family stability and school engagement, and that the interacting effects of these classroom quality and family influences promote child school readiness. The ultimate aim of this research is to better understand what components of HS programs effect students’ level of school readiness. We propose to add to existing knowledge about this topic by modeling HS students’ levels of school readiness measured at the age of 4, linking the data sources about classroom quality and family support as well as their interaction.


Our proposed research will serve the interest of HS practitioners, leaders, policymakers, and funding organizations. The methods and conclusions will serve the research community, including researchers focused on systems and impacts in early childhood as well as quantitative research methodologists.   (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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