Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Asian or Asian American families experience of child care usage and disruptions in 2019 and during COVID-19


We will focus on AAM households with at least one child under age 5, as this age group is more likely to rely on CCEE than school-aged children. The analyses will include pairwise comparisons to identify significant differences in CCEE use and disruptions within AAM households by income level (i.e., AAM households with lower incomes compared to AAM households with higher incomes). When sample sizes allow, the analyses will also include pairwise comparisons to identify significant differences between AAM households and households of other races/ethnicities (i.e., AAM households compared to Black, White, Hispanic households).


This project represents a first attempt to focus specifically on AAM families and potential changes in their CCEE use and disruptions in relation to the pandemic. The findings of this project will help states and policymakers identify how to support access to high-quality care as well as parental employment specifically for children from AAM households with lower incomes. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
United States

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Release: 'v1.65.0' | Built: 2024-05-06 12:56:44 EDT