Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Illinois hard to reach families project evaluation

Six agencies in Illinois received ARRA funds in 2012 to develop effective and innovative strategies to recruit young children from families considered "hard to reach" and enroll them in quality early care and education (ECE) programs. Over the 16 months of funding, these agencies each participated in three evaluation interviews scheduled at the beginning, middle, and end of the funding as well as an optional monthly call to problem solve and share information. The interviews and calls form the basis for evaluating the six programs in nine priority areas identified by the funding agency. These priority areas were aimed at identifying recruitment strategies that worked. Critical to success was the ability to provide families with some form of services shortly after recruitment and to be able to track child and family participation. Nearly all agencies reported that they had wait lists and could not provide newly recruited families with immediate access to Head Start, PFA, or another community ECE program. Agencies that provided "interim services" such as "drop in" activities once a week or monthly home visits reported serving the largest number of families. As enrollment opportunities occurred, they offered enrollment to families on their wait lists or assured families of enrollment in the next academic year. Pilot funds were used to support staff and volunteers to reach out to families and create materials to advertise the importance of early education. Once new families were identified, it was critical for agencies that did not have available slots to be innovative in their approaches and activities for these families. To retain these newly identified families, agencies said it was essential to "go to" them to assist with paperwork and maintain contact until they could be enrolled in services. Another important factor, agencies said, was collaborating with other agencies that provide services to families living at or near the poverty level. (author abstract)
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Reports & Papers
United States
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