Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Social-emotional skills in preschool education in the state of Connecticut: Current practice and implications for child development

Developing strong social-emotional skills in early childhood is critical for school readiness and academic success. Using the state of Connecticut as a case study, we examined the inclusion of social-emotional development across various types of early childhood education and care programs, including center- and home-based programs that are licensed, accredited, or partnered with Head Start. Specifically, we examine the inclusion of social-emotional development in teacher education and training, program standards, and the assessment of children's social-emotional skills. The analysis shows that the inclusion of social-emotional development in early childhood education programs in Connecticut is dependent up on the setting (center versus family childcare home), yet even within settings there is great variability. Key recommendations for improving the current state of social-emotional learning in Connecticut in order to help all children enter school with the social-emotional skills they need to be ready to learn include: 1) increasing educational opportunities for teachers that specifically address how to promote social-emotional skills for children and teachers, 2) increasing the number of NAEYC accredited centers, 3) developing a Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS), and 4) developing a protocol for assessment and follow-up. (author abstract)
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Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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