Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Strength in numbers: Supporting quality improvement in early care and education programs through linking administrative data

There are several benefits of using linked data to help strengthen ECE program quality and services, but there are also many challenges that must be overcome throughout the data sharing process. This brief begins by defining the terms administrative data and linked data. We then describe benefits for ECE programs of using linked data and provide examples of how ECE programs, including Head Start programs, have linked their data to make decisions related to improving program quality and services. We draw upon information gathered from published reports as well as conversations with Head Start grantees, city-level administrators, state-level data systems specialists, state child care administrators, technical assistance providers, and researchers (please refer to the Appendix for more details). Finally, the brief highlights challenges programs encounter when attempting to link data, or to use linked data, and offers strategies to overcome the identified challenges. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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