Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Obesity prevention in the early care and education setting: Successful initiatives across a spectrum of opportunities

The Early Care and Education (ECE) track presentations from CDC's Weight of the Nation (WON) 2012 conference showcased innovative national, state, and community obesity prevention efforts. The track was organized around CDC's "Spectrum of Opportunities" for obesity prevention in ECE (the Spectrum; Table 1), which outlines a common set of opportunities that can enhance the ECE environment with respect to nutrition, breastfeeding support, physical activity, and screen time -- all important areas for obesity prevention targeting young children. Participants discussed the opportunities on the spectrum that had been pursued, the obesity prevention standards and best practices that had been the emphasis of their efforts, and common steps for developing, implementing, and evaluating initiatives. This paper provides background information on why ECE is an important component of any jurisdiction's obesity prevention efforts, references for the primary national reports offering standards and best practice recommendations, an introduction to the Spectrum, and brief summaries of the WON ECE track presentations. (author abstract)
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