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Early childhood preparation for school leaders: Lessons from New Jersey principal certification programs

Across New Jersey, 23 institutions of higher education (10 public, 10 private colleges/universities, and three professional development organizations) offer a program of study that leads to principal certification. The findings in this report represent the majority of these programs and include the current state of principal certification programs in New Jersey with regard to the following: - The format in which the certification program is offered; - The extent to which New Jersey principal certification programs require principal candidates to attain the knowledge, skills, and experiences associated with effective school leadership, including: - What young children should know and be able to do; - The ability to guide and supervise teachers working in pre-K-3 classrooms; - How to implement pre-K within public schools; and - How to encourage family and community engagement; - The extent to which programs provide opportunities for principal candidates to engage in internship experiences in schools with pre-K-3 classrooms; and - The challenges facing programs associated with preparing principal candidates to lead schools with pre-K-3 classrooms. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
New Jersey

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