Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Child care market rate study

PPA designed the study to answer the following questions: - What are the hourly, half-day, full-day, and weekly prices for licensed/registered child care across provider types, and how do prices vary across geographic regions within Michigan? - To what extent is there equal access to child care across Michigan? Are there gaps between the CDC subsidy rate and the 75th percentile by age group, Great Start to Quality (GSQ) star rating, and provider type? If so, what strategies could be used to address these gaps? - To what extent are there gaps between the cost of high-quality care and the amount providers are collecting from parents and/or the CDC subsidy? What are strategies Michigan could use to reduce these gaps? -Do CCDF child care providers charge families more than the required family co-payment? If so, what proportion of facilities charge families a higher amount and how much do they charge beyond the required co-payment? - How many providers do not accept or limit admissions of children who receive the CDC subsidy and why? What barriers exist (payment rates, practices, etc.) that prevent providers from serving CDC children? How could the subsidy reimbursement process be improved to increase provider participation? (author abstract)
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Reports & Papers
United States
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