Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Strengthening students' social and emotional skills: Lessons from six case studies of schools and their out-of-school time program partners


To develop the case studies, RAND researchers worked with district and OSTI leaders to identify one school–OST program partnership from each of the six PSELI communities, looking for sites with successful, unique, or interesting approaches to SEL. We ultimately selected six sites for their exemplary work addressing what we have found to be widely shared challenges to SEL implementation: developing a brand-new school–OST partnership focusing on SEL (Boston);  developing an effective SEL committee that includes a school and an OST partner (Dallas); finding and protecting time for SEL in the school and OST schedules (Denver); including more adults than just teachers and OST instructors in SEL (Palm Beach); incorporating equity into SEL (Tacoma); focusing on adult SEL first (Tulsa). The purpose of the case studies is to show in detail what the partners’ SEL work looked like in practice and to identify the levers that facilitated the work. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
Colorado; Florida; Massachusetts; Oklahoma; Texas; Washington

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Release: 'v1.65.0' | Built: 2024-05-06 12:56:44 EDT