Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Relations among language comprehension, oral counting, and numeral knowledge of ethnic and racial minority young children from low-income communities


This study examined the relationship between language comprehension (receptive, expressive) and numeracy skills (oral counting, number identification, number relations) in a longitudinal sample of ethnic and racial minority (Black = 86%; Latino = 14%) children from low-income communities. Participants were n = 79 children between 1.42 to 3.42 years when early language skills were assessed, and between 4.5 to 6.33 years when school-age language and numeracy skills were assessed. Results indicated strong correlations between language and numeracy skills, independent of age and sex. Components of language comprehension were shown to positively predict numeracy outcomes. The results of subsequent mediation analyses revealed that language comprehension was indirectly related to number identification and number relations through oral counting. The findings are consistent with the perspective that linguistic skills serve as a pathway for the development of numeracy skills. This study adds to the literature by demonstrating the importance of general language comprehension measured in the first few years of life for school-age numeracy skills with a sample of children living in poverty. Implications for early childhood education and future research regarding cross-domain learning and development are discussed. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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