Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Child care subsidy staff share perspectives on policy implementation practices and effective outreach with Latino families in California


This brief—as part of a larger multi-state study of CCDF access for Hispanic families—aims to improve our understanding of families’ access to subsidies in California, including barriers and facilitators. To that end, we report on findings from our survey of California child care subsidy workers in Spring 2022, which asks frontline staff and supervisors about their implementation practices and experiences, with a focus on their interactions with Hispanic families. Staff reported on multiple aspects of the subsidy application and eligibility determination process that may present access challenges for some families, as well as their agency’s outreach and communication strategies. California is home to the largest number of Latino children living in households with low incomes. As in most other states, however, Latino families in California are underrepresented among those receiving subsidized care despite being overrepresented among groups with high need for access to affordable care. (author abstract)

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Release: 'v1.61.0' | Built: 2024-04-23 23:03:38 EDT