Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Early Childhood Development – Child Care Scholarship Program Ch. 525 HB995/SB920


During the 2022 legislative session, the Maryland state legislature passed the Early Childhood Development – Child Care Scholarship Program – Alterations and Study bill (Ch. 525 HB995/SB920). This bill required the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to complete a study on several key factors of the legislation on or before December 1, 2022. MSDE partnered with the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)1 to complete this study. CLASP used a mixed-methods research approach to gather information from a variety of sources including, and perhaps most importantly, people who are directly impacted by these policies. Our approach included 1) engaging state administrators and other leaders in states that have implemented presumptive eligibility policies and removed child support enforcement requirements; 2) connecting with other state and national partners; 3) reviewing research and policy documents; 4) hosting focus groups with parents/caregivers and providers from across the state; and 5) analyzing data. Notably, CLASP used seven focus groups to determine the most common themes in experiences and concerns regarding the Child Care Scholarship (CCS) program from both parents'/caregivers’ and providers' perspectives. Given the nature of this research report, CLASP worked diligently to center objectivity and remove bias whenever possible. CLASP, however, is a nonprofit advocacy organization whose mission is to ensure policies positively impact families and individuals with low incomes, and that core mission drives all of the work we do. Key findings from the research and conversations are outlined below. (author abstract)

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