Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The effects of training and performance feedback on preservice teachers’ use of statements that promote preschool children’s social interactions


Children who are at risk of or diagnosed with disabilities engage in less frequent and complex peer interactions and social behaviors than their typically developing peers. Inclusive early childhood classrooms are an ideal setting for teachers to use practices that promote social interactions (PPSI) among children with and without disabilities. PPSI are important skills for early childhood teachers to learn. However, few studies have examined practical and meaningful strategies for supporting early childhood teachers in facilitating social interactions. A single-case multiple probe across participants design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief training with ongoing email performance-based feedback on preservice early childhood teachers’ use of PPSI during free play. We identified functional relations among training plus general and specific performance-based feedback, teachers’ use of PPSI, and levels of child social interactions. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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