Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Mealtimes in Swedish preschools: Pedagogical opportunities for toddlers learning a new language

This paper reports on a study which explores how routine activities in preschool can support young multilingual children's participation, communication and development of languages. The paper takes as its starting point the idea that young children's development takes place through interaction and participation, including in routine activities. Empirical data of mealtimes was gathered in eight toddler groups in a Swedish city, and analysed as a context for learning. The mealtimes were video recorded and interpreted by using an interaction analytic approach which allowed multiple layers of mealtime interactions, all of which impact on the level of participation available to children, to be explored. A detailed analysis of activities and opportunities for communication provides an additional perspective for understanding participation and language learning in institutional practices. The findings show how language learning is situated as a communicative and participatory experience, and that common and shared topics are crucial for participation. Further, a shift in children's participation status during interaction at mealtime is possible. An extended way of incorporating language teaching into multilingual preschool contexts is discussed. (author abstract)
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Reports & Papers

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