Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Recruiting and retaining home visitors for evidence-based home visiting (EBHV): Experiences of EBHV grantees

This brief summarizes lessons about recruiting and training home visitors for evidence-based programs from grantees participating in the Children's Bureau's Supporting Evidence-Based Home Visiting (EBHV) to Prevent Child Maltreatment grantee cluster. As part of the EBHV cross-site evaluation, Mathematica Policy Research collected the data in spring 2010 during a series of telephone interviews conducted with managers of agencies from 9 of the 17 grantees that were implementing home visiting programs. These "implementing agencies" were selected to participate in the interviews because they had recruited, hired, and trained new home visitors during the preceding year (in contrast to some agencies that were already operating programs when the grant began, or had not yet reached the stage of staffing their home visiting programs). Most implementing agencies had experience with home visiting but few had previously implemented an evidence-based program. The brief provides an overview of agencies' strategies for recruiting and training home visitors, as well as the challenges they faced and lessons learned. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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