Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Investigating processes through which families, schools, and communities can collaborate to promote social and emotional skill development


The purpose of the current study was to engage parents and community members in a discussion regarding the concepts and practices of social and emotional development, the importance of promoting social and emotional skill development in early childhood, and their significant roles in this development. A discussion group format allowed facilitators to share key information while also encouraging active participation, communication among participants, and joint meaning making. Through participatory inquiry, our overarching goal was to begin to develop a shared language among schools, families, and communities regarding social and emotional development in early childhood. An additional goal was to reach out and connect with Discovery Communities in order to share the conversation and learning that occurred during our parent discussion groups and to discuss ways through which to extend a shared language regarding social and emotional development in childhood across the state. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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