Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Teacher-caregivers' perceptions of toddlers' adaption to a childcare center

I examined teacher-caregivers' perceptions of toddlers' adaptation to a childcare center in Korea. I also examined their experiences of their current practices related to toddlers' adaptation. Through in-depth interviews with 6 teacher-caregivers, the results showed that although the basic format of the implemented adaptation programs was the same, the teacher-caregivers' actual practices differed depending on their perceptions. Some teacher-caregivers believed that their adaptation program allows toddlers to adapt easily to the center, and, thus, emphasized the teacher-caregivers' role as providers of the program. In contrast, other teacher-caregivers focused on toddlers' emotions and ease of transition, and, thus, emphasized the teacher-caregivers' role as sensitive respondents to the toddlers' individual needs for adaptation. Based on my findings, implications are discussed to facilitate toddlers' comfort as they transition to childcare centers. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
South Korea

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