Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The Promoting Resilience and Mental Health in Educational Settings for Early Childhood (PROMISE) Project


The goal of this project is to implement and examine the effects of a comprehensive intervention that addresses education staff well-being. The intervention selected for this project has three components: a wellness program targeted at individual education staff (TeacherWise), a group-based well-being program designed to promote education staff wellness and resilience (Compassion Practice Restoration and Relationship - CPR2), and a group-based quality improvement technique paired with peer mentoring aimed at program leaders (the State Early Essentials Technical Assistance). The project will include a pilot year in which the intervention will be implemented in four to eight programs followed by a larger randomized control trial that will include 30 programs. This larger implementation study will seek to confirm the intervention’s theory of change, examine the impact of the intervention on both proximal and distal outcomes, and identify factors that predict engagement with the intervention. During the concluding years of the project, the investigators will develop a program manual as well as a sustainable training and technical assistance model to sustain the intervention beyond the end of the grant.

Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
United States

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