Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Strategies toward the equitable implementation of PreK in family child care: PreK funding procurement, child enrollment, and data tracking


This brief report presents key findings about how state and local PreK systems recruit and support family child care (FCC) programs, determine eligibility requirements for FCC procurement of PreK funding as well as child enrollment requirements, and track data to ensure FCC settings are equitably included in PreK delivery. Findings are based on data collected through focus groups in June 2023 with four state and local PreK administrators and two administrators from intermediary organizations that support FCC educators in PreK. We also include data from an earlier focus group where participants from another locality discussed recruitment strategies. Together, participants represented four states, one city, and one local school district, including those considering or recently beginning implementation of FCC in their mixed-delivery PreK systems. This brief also includes insights and recommendations from our PreK in FCC Educator Advisory Board. A key foundation for this series is that state and local PreK systems recognize the importance and benefit of including FCC to ensure equitable access, experiences, and outcomes for children. Promising approaches are highlighted at the end of the brief. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Fact Sheets & Briefs
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
California; Maryland; Vermont; Washington

Related resources include summaries, versions, measures (instruments), or other resources in which the current document plays a part. Research products funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation are related to their project records.

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Release: 'v1.62.0' | Built: 2024-05-03 16:33:15 EDT