Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project: Overview of methods for the Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project catalog and crosswalk of federal programs supporting expectant parents, young children, and their families


Federal staff from ASPE and HRSA identified the 36 federal programs across multiple departments and sectors (listed in Exhibit I.1) based on guidance from a working group of federal project staff across those departments. The five program elements reviewed reflect opportunity areas where alignment and coordination may support a comprehensive system that engages families. The project presents the findings from the review in two ways: 1. A catalog that compiles information from statutes, regulations, and program guidance for the 36 federal programs; 2. A crosswalk that synthesizes the information across multiple dimensions within the program elements for each program. This document presents an overview of the methods employed to construct the catalog (Chapter I) and the crosswalk (Chapter II). (author abstract)

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